La primera semana de estudio de SWLC se llevó a cabo en 1963 en Dallas, Texas, con nueve asistentes de Arizona, Nuevo México, Oklahoma y Texas. En cuatro años, la Semana de estudio atrajo a más de 700 asistentes de todo el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Ahora, después de más de sesenta años, el SWLC continúa atrayendo a sacerdotes, religiosos y ministros litúrgicos laicos de todo el país cada invierno para nuestra Semana de Estudio anual.
Año | Ciudad | Tema |
1963 (01) | Dallas | The Liturgy: History and Reform |
1964 (02) | San Antonio | Liturgical Commissions & Vatican II Reforms |
1965 (03) | Houston | God's People at Worship |
1966 (04) | Albuquerque | The Worshipping Christian Prays and Sings |
1967 (05) | Pueblo | Thus We Believe - Thus We Build |
1968 (06) | Corpus Christi | The Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery |
1969 (07) | Tulsa | Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate |
1970 (08) | El Paso | Liturgical Leadership and Roles of Service |
1971 (09) | Denver | Beginnings: Conversion, Celebration, Ministry |
1972 (10) | Austin | Prayer '72 |
1973 (11) | Albuquerque | Reconciliation |
1974 (12) | Phoenix | Healing: Ministry to the Sick and Dying |
1975 (13) | Arlington | A Liturgy Roundup |
1976 (14) | Amarillo | Church - Ministry - Service |
1977 (15) | San Antonio | Discovering the Way |
1978 (16) | Pueblo | The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults |
1979 (17) | El Paso | Christian Matrimony |
1980 (18) | Houston | 20-20 Vision |
1981 (19) | Denver | Assembly at Worship |
1982 (20) | Albuquerque | Hispanic Worship |
1983 (21) | Tulsa | Evangelization - Church: A People Sent |
1984 (22) | Dallas | Unless the Lord Build the House |
1985 (23) | San Angelo | Sunday: The Original Feast Day |
1986 (24) | Phoenix | Liturgy: Font of Renewal |
1987 (25) | Beaumont | Sacraments of Initiation |
1988 (26) | Corpus Christi | The Assembly |
1989 (27) | Oklahoma City | Children: Faith and Worship |
1990 (28) | Fort Worth | The Word |
1991 (29) | Grand Junction | Marriage: Celebrating the Promise |
1992 (30) | Houston | Vision Quest: Future Issues in Worship |
1993 (31) | Albuquerque | Worship: The Rite Way |
1994 (32) | Tyler | Come to the Table: Hospitality and Initiation |
1995 (33) | Austin | Worship for our Times: Culture, Prayer, Mission |
1996 (34) | Salt Lake City | What is this Place? Liturgical Horizons for Word and Sacrament |
1997 (35) | San Antonio | Liturgy and the Spirit: Winds of Change - Fires of Hope |
1998 (36) | Phoenix | Liturgy as Prophecy |
1999 (37) | Lubbock | Consider the Mustard Seed: Liturgy in Small Communities |
2000 (38) | Houston | The Body of Christ |
2001 (39) | Port Lavaca | Liturgy: Celebrating God’s Action We Live – We Move – We Have Our Being |
2002 (40) | Colorado Springs | Formed in Faith: Celebrating Catholic Identity |
2003 (41) | Tulsa | 40 Years of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy |
2004 (42) | Cheyenne | Put Out Into the Deep |
2005 (43) | Dallas | Come to the Feast Ven al Banquete |
2006 (44) | Austin | Liturgy Evangelizing Life La Liturgia Evangeliza La Vida |
2007 (45) | Oklahoma City | Dies Domini - Sunday - The Day of the Lord |
2008 (46) | Tucson | Eucharist and Justice: Walking in Charity and Peace |
2009 (47) | Denver | Pinnacle, Pulpit & Pew: The Eucharist Celebrated, the Word proclaimed, the Mission Lived |
2010 (48) | Houston | Many Cultures: One Church at Prayer |
2011 (49) | Salt Lake City | Ever Ancient, Ever New |
2012 (50) | Dallas | 50th Anniversary of the Conference Keeping the Flame Alive |
2013 (51) | Albuquerque | Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery ... And We Shall Be Changed |
2014 (52) | Beaumont | Through Him, and with Him, and in Him ... |
2015 (53) | Amarillo | Go and Proclaim: Alive in Christ Ve y Proclama: Vive en Cristo |
2016 (54) | San Antonio | Open Wide the Doors: Evangelization through the Liturgy Abran las Puertas de Par en Par: Evangelización a través la Liturgia |
2017 (55) | El Paso | Breaking Bread: Eucharist and the Domestic Church Partiendo el Pan: La Eucaristía y la Iglesia Doméstica |
2018 (56) | Cheyenne | Awaken the Voice: Sing as One to the Lord Despierten la voz: canten como uno al Señor |
2019 (57) | Houston | Encountering the Sacred: Beauty and the Liturgy Encuentro con lo Sagrado: Belleza y la Liturgia |
2020 (58) | Tucson | Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your Life Glorifiquen al Señor con su vida. Pueden ir en paz. |
2021 (59) | Virtual | As We Await the Blessed Hope: Liturgy in Challenging Times Mientras Aguardamos la Bendita Esperanza: La Liturgia en Tiempos Difíciles |
2022 (60) | Virtual | Bearers of Hope: Renewing the Body of Christ Portadores de Esperanza: Renovando el Cuerpo de Cristo |
2023 (61) | Virtual | Eucharist: Real Presence, Sacrifice, and Mission |
2024 (62) | Oklahoma City | Eucharist: Forming & Transforming |