The first SWLC study week was held in 1963 in Dallas, Texas with nine attendees from Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Within four years the Study Week was attracting over 700 attendees from all over the southwest United States. Now, after more than sixty years, the SWLC continues to attract priests, religious, and lay liturgical ministers from across the country each winter for our annual Study Week.
Year | Location | Theme |
1963 (01) | Dallas | The Liturgy: History and Reform |
1964 (02) | San Antonio | Liturgical Commissions & Vatican II Reforms |
1965 (03) | Houston | God's People at Worship |
1966 (04) | Albuquerque | The Worshipping Christian Prays and Sings |
1967 (05) | Pueblo | Thus We Believe - Thus We Build |
1968 (06) | Corpus Christi | The Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery |
1969 (07) | Tulsa | Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate |
1970 (08) | El Paso | Liturgical Leadership and Roles of Service |
1971 (09) | Denver | Beginnings: Conversion, Celebration, Ministry |
1972 (10) | Austin | Prayer '72 |
1973 (11) | Albuquerque | Reconciliation |
1974 (12) | Phoenix | Healing: Ministry to the Sick and Dying |
1975 (13) | Arlington | A Liturgy Roundup |
1976 (14) | Amarillo | Church - Ministry - Service |
1977 (15) | San Antonio | Discovering the Way |
1978 (16) | Pueblo | The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults |
1979 (17) | El Paso | Christian Matrimony |
1980 (18) | Houston | 20-20 Vision |
1981 (19) | Denver | Assembly at Worship |
1982 (20) | Albuquerque | Hispanic Worship |
1983 (21) | Tulsa | Evangelization - Church: A People Sent |
1984 (22) | Dallas | Unless the Lord Build the House |
1985 (23) | San Angelo | Sunday: The Original Feast Day |
1986 (24) | Phoenix | Liturgy: Font of Renewal |
1987 (25) | Beaumont | Sacraments of Initiation |
1988 (26) | Corpus Christi | The Assembly |
1989 (27) | Oklahoma City | Children: Faith and Worship |
1990 (28) | Fort Worth | The Word |
1991 (29) | Grand Junction | Marriage: Celebrating the Promise |
1992 (30) | Houston | Vision Quest: Future Issues in Worship |
1993 (31) | Albuquerque | Worship: The Rite Way |
1994 (32) | Tyler | Come to the Table: Hospitality and Initiation |
1995 (33) | Austin | Worship for our Times: Culture, Prayer, Mission |
1996 (34) | Salt Lake City | What is this Place? Liturgical Horizons for Word and Sacrament |
1997 (35) | San Antonio | Liturgy and the Spirit: Winds of Change - Fires of Hope |
1998 (36) | Phoenix | Liturgy as Prophecy |
1999 (37) | Lubbock | Consider the Mustard Seed: Liturgy in Small Communities |
2000 (38) | Houston | The Body of Christ |
2001 (39) | Port Lavaca | Liturgy: Celebrating God’s Action We Live – We Move – We Have Our Being |
2002 (40) | Colorado Springs | Formed in Faith: Celebrating Catholic Identity |
2003 (41) | Tulsa | 40 Years of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy |
2004 (42) | Cheyenne | Put Out Into the Deep |
2005 (43) | Dallas | Come to the Feast Ven al Banquete |
2006 (44) | Austin | Liturgy Evangelizing Life La Liturgia Evangeliza La Vida |
2007 (45) | Oklahoma City | Dies Domini - Sunday - The Day of the Lord |
2008 (46) | Tucson | Eucharist and Justice: Walking in Charity and Peace |
2009 (47) | Denver | Pinnacle, Pulpit & Pew: The Eucharist Celebrated, the Word proclaimed, the Mission Lived |
2010 (48) | Houston | Many Cultures: One Church at Prayer |
2011 (49) | Salt Lake City | Ever Ancient, Ever New |
2012 (50) | Dallas | 50th Anniversary of the Conference Keeping the Flame Alive |
2013 (51) | Albuquerque | Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery ... And We Shall Be Changed |
2014 (52) | Beaumont | Through Him, and with Him, and in Him ... |
2015 (53) | Amarillo | Go and Proclaim: Alive in Christ Ve y Proclama: Vive en Cristo |
2016 (54) | San Antonio | Open Wide the Doors: Evangelization through the Liturgy Abran las Puertas de Par en Par: Evangelización a través la Liturgia |
2017 (55) | El Paso | Breaking Bread: Eucharist and the Domestic Church Partiendo el Pan: La Eucaristía y la Iglesia Doméstica |
2018 (56) | Cheyenne | Awaken the Voice: Sing as One to the Lord Despierten la voz: canten como uno al Señor |
2019 (57) | Houston | Encountering the Sacred: Beauty and the Liturgy Encuentro con lo Sagrado: Belleza y la Liturgia |
2020 (58) | Tucson | Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your Life Glorifiquen al Señor con su vida. Pueden ir en paz. |
2021 (59) | Virtual | As We Await the Blessed Hope: Liturgy in Challenging Times Mientras Aguardamos la Bendita Esperanza: La Liturgia en Tiempos Difíciles |
2022 (60) | Virtual | Bearers of Hope: Renewing the Body of Christ Portadores de Esperanza: Renovando el Cuerpo de Cristo |
2023 (61) | Virtual | Eucharist: Real Presence, Sacrifice, and Mission |
2024 (62) | Oklahoma City* | Eucharist: Forming & Transforming |
* Indicates a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual tracks